UPDATED: Covid-19 Coronavirus Update: A Note from Rev. Frank C. Ruffatto


Dearest saints,

Much has changed in the prevailing recommendations regarding the Covid-19 outbreak since we last gathered on March 15. We were hopeful and prayerful that we could continue to gather as normal.

After much prayer and discussion concerning the safety of our members and guests, in light of the CDC’s guidelines, and under the guidance of our synod leadership, the elders and members of the Executive Leadership Team have decided on the following actions concerning the operations of Redeemer Lutheran Church:

  1. Divine Service on 3/22/2020 and 3/29/2020 will be modified. No in-person service will occur. A Service of Prayer and Proclamation will be only hosted online via YouTube and social media. We encourage you to view the service via YouTube. To view the livestream, you may navigate to YouTube.

  2. After the 3/29/2020 online service, the Elders, Trustees and Executive Leadership Team will work with me to formulate plans for Holy Week (Maundy Thursday/Good Friday) and for worship services beyond Resurrection Sunday.

  3. Effective immediately all gatherings of more than 10 people in our building are canceled until at least April 5th (Palm Sunday).

  4. UPDATED 3/23/20: In-person gatherings of share groups have also been suspended for now. We urge you to continue to meet online if possible.

  5. The egg hunt has been canceled for now, the teams will consider rescheduling for another date.

  6. Sunday School has been canceled until the week after Resurrection Sunday and will tentatively resume on April 19th, based on the 3/29 meeting.

  7. Communion will not be offered. While this is NOT the desired option, it is also unwise to implement a communion practice such as ‘drive-thru communion’. Communion is a communal practice to be held as we gather together. Ordinarily the only exception to this situation is delivery to shut-ins who actually partake of the same elements consecrated for the wider church body. If the suspension of services goes beyond these two weeks, we will revisit the topic of Holy Communion. I would rather us not partake than do it poorly and contrary to its intent.

What you can do beyond following the above guidelines:

  1. Pray. Let us each as individuals and as families use the discipline of prayer to call on God who is our refuge to preserve and protect us and enable us find the best way to love our neighbors (even if that means distancing ourselves) as this momentary malady is in our midst.

  2. Connect. Continue to communicate with each other, check on one another and plan for the time when this passes, looking forward to both fellowship and times of renewed teamwork. Share groups will want to stay in touch and consider checking in on other members who are not currently a part of a share group. You may also stay connected with the church beyond the livestream times, by checking in with us on Facebook.

  3. Maintain. Please continue to tithe and make offerings if at all possible. The reality is our expenses continue even if we do not use our facilities. You may donate online or you may mail your donations to: Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1 Deerwalk Lane, Charleston, WV 25314.

  4. Persevere. When the time comes, consider volunteering for activities which might be needed to clean/disinfect the church for our eventual return for services.

Please know the entire leadership of Redeemer is praying for you. We encourage you to take comfort in knowing your Heavenly Father is loving and good and that Jesus has removed forever the sting of death.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at pastor@redeemerwv.org.

In Christ,
Pastor Frank

Rev. Frank C. Ruffatto