Redeemer's Refuge - Remembering Mercy

Remembering Mercy
Redeemer Lutheran Church - LCMS
Charleston, WV
December 29, 2019, First Sunday After Christmas

Message presented by Rev. Frank C. Ruffatto

Psalm 111
Isaiah 63:7-14
Galatians 4:4-6
Matthew 2:13-23

Ever hear of a “Praise Sandwich”? It’s a technique of offering criticism that’s intended to ‘soften the blow’ a bit. It’s a way to say things without being too blunt. It’s done by beginning and ending with something positive, sandwiching your critique between the two.

We see a different sort of “Praise Sandwich” in Isaiah 63. The prophet’s lament for Israel’s sin and rebellion against God is ‘sandwiched’ between remembrances of God’s past actions on Israel’s behalf. The ‘praise’ in this case is directed toward God and about God, specifically about His great work of salvation that He accomplished in the exodus of Israel from Egypt. In the first part, Isaiah remembers God’s works, His deliverance of His people. Then he talks about Israel’s apostasy and rebellion against God despite His kind and gracious actions toward them. And Isaiah concludes by pointing to God’s remembrance of His works and inquires whether the Lord will act again in the same manner.

In this message, we will see how our gracious God works in the same way toward us.