Posts tagged 2019
Redeemer's Refuge - Remembering Mercy

Ever hear of a “Praise Sandwich”? It’s a technique of offering criticism that’s intended to ‘soften the blow’ a bit. It’s a way to say things without being too blunt. It’s done by beginning and ending with something positive, sandwiching your critique between the two. This episode of Redeemer’s Refuge looks at God’s “praise sandwich” for Israel and likewise a message for us today.

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Redeemer's Refuge - Arise and Shine: Reflected Light

This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent. In this episode of Redeemer’s Refuge, Reflected Light, pastor Frank touches on Zechariah 9:14-17.

On that day the Lord their God will save them, as the flock of his people; for like the jewels of a crown they shall shine on his land.

During Advent we remember the birth of Jesus, the Light of the world. We reflect his light in our daily lives. 

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Redeemer's Refuge - The Dawning of a New Day

Do you have such an eager heart for Jesus to come again? For the Last Day? Are you ready for that day? It’s hard, isn’t it? There’s so much to do and so little time. Our lives are complicated, and money is short There may even be times when you doubt God’s love because of what’s going on in your life and how things in this world perhaps seem so unjust. Tune in to this episode of Redeemer’s Refuge to hear what Malachi had to say about this and how his prophesy ties to Elijah and then Jesus and how that impacts us today.

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Redeemer's Refuge - Jesus' Words of Reformation

In this episode of Redeemer’s Refuge, we listen to what Jesus speaks to some Jews who had believed in Him. He tells them (and us) what it means to be one of His disciples. “If you abide in My Word, you are truly My disciples …” In other words, stay in it, stay with it, rest by it. Yet, Jesus is not merely saying, “Rest in what I say.” He is saying rest in Me and what I am doing for you. And we can rest in Him because Jesus is the Word we hear about in the beginning of John’s Gospel, the Word with God and the Word that was God, the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us. The Word that these Jews had been hearing for years in the Law and the Writings and the Prophets – our Old Testament – is literally standing before them!

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Redeemer's Refuge - Who Is the Wrestler?

In this episode of Redeemer’s Refuge we hear the Old Testament of story from Genesis of Jacob wrestling with a man all night, prevailing, be touched on the hip, and then given the name Israel by this man. What is this all about? Who is this mysterious wrestler? And what does it mean for us? The answers might not be what you are expecting. The answers are likely better than what you were expecting.

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Redeemer's Refuge - The Word of God Is Not Bound

In this episode of Redeemer’s Refuge, Pastor Ruffatto discusses Paul’s second letter to Timothy, his assistant who suffers from a bit of timidity. Paul has finished the instruction of details he outlined in his first letter and is encouraging Timothy – and you and me – to fan this live flame-- the torch we carry for Jesus -- because others needed – others now need – to be connected to our heavenly Father through the Gospel of His son Jesus.

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